GASHEE Hair Stories: Natural Hair Growth Solution with Results

Natural Hair Growth Solution: A Success Story

Natural Hair Growth Solution: If you are struggling with hair health issues, such as hair loss, a receding hairline, growing bald patches on your scalp, hair breakage, falling hair, or more, you may be able to relate to this woman's natural hair growth solution story. How One Woman Naturally Restored Her Hair: This now happy and satisfied GASHEE user, like many others who may be struggling or have struggled with hair health, had previously tried many products for her hair that did not work. Her journey towards better hair health and hair growth began with an awareness of her family history. She noticed that like her mother, she had begun to lose more hair than usual after a certain age. As with most people, a decrease in hair health, hair thickness, hair strength, and hair volume eventually happens due to age, and at times may be accelerated due to family genetics and history. Yet, all hope is not lost and there are natural means and remedies to help mitigate this hair loss or hair damage - as in the case with this woman's triumphant hair-transformation journey.

Before & After 8 Months Post Treatment Results JS Dr.UGRO GASHEE Natural Hair Care Products for Improved Hair Health.

Hair Loss Due to A Combination of Family Genetics & Working in The Kitchen

Working in the kitchen, this woman had to constantly wrap her hair in a bun to cover her hair due to kitchen protocols, and she believed that this pressure and strain on her hair may have helped contribute to the hair loss and thinning that she was experiencing. And unfortunately for this woman's situation, this problem continued to worsen. She began to notice her hairline slowly recede, as well as her hair thinning in several places around her scalp region. Fortunately, this woman's mother was already using Dr.UGRO GASHEE natural hair care products, with great improvements and results to show for it. Following her mother's recommendations, reinforced with confidence due to her mother's success with GASHEE Natural Hair Care Products, Jennifer began taking Dr.UGRO's GASHEE Natural Oral Hair Supplements and Hair Lotion Topical, and her amazing results can be seen below.

PICTURES: Dr. UGro GASHEE Oral Hair Supplements Before & After Results

VIDEO: Dr. UGro Gashee Before & After Pictures: Hair Health Improvement Results

Below you can see a before and after video result of this woman's personal journey towards better hair - the condition of her hair health where she was at before using GASHEE Natural Hair Health Oral Supplements and GASHEE Natural Hair Lotion Topical. If you would like to experience the relief and satisfaction of having your best hair day again, through natural and non-surgical means, be sure to try Dr.UGro GASHEE Products with the shop now button below to see how nature and modern science can help you rise and shine again to your best hair-day.

Dr. Sanusi Umar Peer Review Study: Hair Growth Effects of GASHEE Topical Lotion

Dr.UGro Gashee's Natural Topical Lotion for hair health has been studied and reviewed successfully for its beneficial hair growth effects compared to topical over-the-counter alternatives such as Minoxidil. In 2021, this hair growth study was published in Hindawi Medical Journal. In the study, Dr.UGro's Gashee Topical Lotion had reportedly helped subjects grow hair at an equal or greater rate in terms of length, volume, density, and thickness compared to Minoxidil, a pharmaceutical hair growth drug, albeit without the many unwanted side effects that may possibly appear with Minoxidil. Due to Dr.UGro Gashee Topical Lotion's natural, botanical ingredients and properties, subjects reported far fewer side effects than Minoxidil. For more information regarding the statistical facts and evidence of Dr.UGro Gashee Topical Lotion, continue to the link here.

Other Satisfied GASHEE User Testimonials

For more happy GASHEE user testimonials, and to see how their hair had transformed for the better after using GASHEE products, visit the articles below.


  1. WebMD. 2021. What Women Can Do About Hair Loss. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 December 2021].
  2. Umar, S. and Carter, M., 2021. A Multimodal Hair-Loss Treatment Strategy Using a New Topical Phytoactive Formulation: A Report of Five Cases.

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