Gashee Hair Stories: The Product Is Working! ... I am so Happy!! - Ana Cueva

Fighting Hair Frustrations - Unearthing Natural Hair Care Solutions: Over a year ago, life threw yet another challenge to breast cancer survivor, Ana, from Anaheim, Calif. Although her hair did grow back months after chemotherapy, the texture and tone of the hair changed. Her hair had lost its luster and it was breaking. I could not build volume or grow it long, she explained. 

“I was sad,” Ana said about her hair issues. “I cried.”

Although her hair did grow back months after chemotherapy, the texture and tone of the hair changed. Her hair had lost its luster and it was breaking

Hiding her hair frustrations under scarves.

Like other women, Ana's hair is a part of her identity and seeing it diminish and so fragile felt traumatic​. She was dispirited.  Therefore, unsure how to address her frustrations she hid her patchy hair by wearing hats, hair scarves, and headbands. 

Trial And Error Hair Health Restoration

Brushing her patchy lifeless hair, she pondered on hair restoration options and decided to seek help. She consulted with a number of hair specialists who prescribed pharmaceutical medications.  But nothing proved effective. 

Ana tried a number of hair care products, including pharmaceutical prescriptions, but nothing worked.

“I’ve used so many products,” Ana said. “I tried them for six to eight months, but nothing worked.”

Witnessing her ongoing frustrations, Ana’s husband decided to take matters into his own hands – help her find hair care solutions. He scoured the Internet.  After that, he found Dr. Sanusi Umar (Dr. U). After reviewing her history and examining Ana, Dr.U recommended she began a twice-daily regimen of Dr. UGro Gashee, a natural hair care solution that is eco-friendly and cold formulated with botanicals and phytoactive ingredients.

VIDEO: The Surprising Gashee Hair Results



Ana said she saw results within the first two months of the daily use of Dr. UGro Gashee Botanical Hair Lotion.

Ana decided to try the Gashee Botanical Hair Lotion. Within two months of using the hair lotion, Ana said she saw a difference in her hair. She was speechless – it was actually working.
“When I saw my little itty bitty hairs,” Ana said. “I thought, ‘Oh, this product is working.’ I was happy.”

A year later, Ana continues to use Dr. UGro Gashee Hair Lotion as it has made her hair much fuller, she is finally able to grow her hair long, whereas, before Gashee, her hair was low volume and never able to grow long. Her hair no longer looked dull, frayed, or damaged. Her strands finally came to life.

“Dr. UGro Gashee gave me my smile back,” Ana said. “I am so happy.”

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