Hair Treatments: Effect of Thyme Oil on Hair

If you are a lover of Mediterranean cuisine, you are not a stranger to thyme. Thyme is a spice commonly used in many dishes to add a penetrating fragrance. It adds a unique flavor to the dish. It has been a superstar in the herb garden around the world. The herb is associated with bravery, strength, and courage in history. Thyme was a popular gift offered to soldiers going into battle. Roman soldiers exchanged sprigs of thyme as a sign of respect. Greeks and Romans burned bundles of thyme to purify their temples and homes and evoke a spirit of courage in those who inhaled it. However, thyme hair treatments have also been popular throughout the ages, which begs the question: can thyme oil help hair health? Thyme oil is derived from a species of plant known as Thymus Vulgaris. The medicinal benefits have been known for thousands of years, particularly in Mediterranean countries. In modern times, however, thyme oil is now gaining the attention of research scientists for supporting healthier hair.

Thyme hair treatments have been prevalent throughout many societies for years. New research may help determine how thyme benefits hair health.

Thyme hair treatments have been prevalent throughout many societies for years. New research may help determine how thyme benefits hair health.

Overview of Thyme Oil as a Stimulant For Hair Growth

Thyme is a well-known stimulant. In general, stimulants activate circulation and help increase blood flow to areas that need oxygenation. With healthy blood circulation, hair cells in hair follicles are better able to produce new hair. Bioflavonoid compounds are also crucial for constructing new hair strands. Thyme oil contains the following Bioflavonoid compounds (1 - 5):

Topical stimulants are often rubbed directly onto the scalp to stimulate blood flow. This is done to help deliver the nutrients to this area and to promote hair development.

Interest in Natural Remedy for Dandruff using Thyme Oil

There are numerous shampoos branded to treat dandruff. Beautiful models present them with voluminous, lustrous hair on TV and social media. However, the experience might not be as glamorous due to the harsh chemicals in the shampoo. So what is dandruff? How do you treat it? Dandruff is an overproduction of your skin that is caused by different factors like:

  • Hair follicle inflammation
  • Lack of vitamins for your hair
  • Dry skin
  • Harsh chemicals in shampoo

Dandruff is the last thing a person would want to worry about when going into a social situation, like a job interview or date, where your appearance is a crucial component. It isn’t charming and a challenge to your self-confidence. Customers are constantly searching for more natural dandruff solutions. So how is it that thyme oil can be considered an effective and more natural way to fight the condition? Thyme oil contains Apigenin and apigenin-7-glucoside, which are anti-inflammatory (1-5). They ease the inflammation affecting your scalp and hair follicles to help improve dandruff symptoms. What’s more, these compounds nourish the hair follicles and combat drying issues at the same time. Thymol, an active ingredient in thyme oil, also helps to kill bacteria and germs that trigger inflammation (3). With a healthy growing environment, hair cells can become stronger and healthier.

Thyme hair treatments have as DIY home remedies for hair thinness and hair health. New research looks into the compounds within thyme essential oil, such as flavonoids and thymol, to observe a basis for these assumptions (3, 4, 5)

Thyme hair treatments have been as DIY home remedies for hair thinness and hair health. New research looks into the compounds within thyme essential oil, such as flavonoids and thymol, to observe a basis for these assumptions (3, 4, 5)

Thyme Hair Treatments for Thinness

People of all ages from all over the world are experiencing the problem of hair thinning. However, this issue does not only affect men. According to a 2007 study, 1 in 3 women suffers from diminishing hair thickness (2). Such hair loss is quite embarrassing or uncomfortable for most people. It’s a cosmetic obstacle if you are trying to maintain a youthful look. Hair thinning is believed to be caused by both internal and external reasons. Typically, these include:

  • hair follicle inflammation
  • bad diet
  • bacteria
  • stress
  • chemicals in tap water (to wash hair)
  • poor hygiene
  • hormone unbalance

Studies on the Potential of Thymol for Thinning Hair

Studies have shown that thymol found in thyme has strong antiseptic properties with the ability to kill disease-causing bacteria, fungi, and other microbes (3). These microbes, if allowed to gather on the scalp, can negatively affect hair health. Thymol works by breaking down the cell walls of these microbial agents and destroying blocks that can clog the follicles. Clogged follicles can lead to scalp infections and hair shedding. Thus, an antimicrobial agent can help maintain hair density and avoid common causes of thinning.

Does Thyme Oil Benefits Hair?

Diverse studies are suggesting that there is a link between thyme oil and hair growth. Understanding how this relationship works helps to learn about the research, which sheds more light on this issue.

Use of Thyme Oil as Treatment for Alopecia Areata

One research study observed the results of using a topical herbal treatment for alopecia areata, a condition where the immune system attacks the hair follicles. In Hay IC’s study using essential oil to help improve alopecia areata, the treatment used a mixture of 114 mg of rosemary, 88 mg of thyme, 108 mg of lavender, 94 mg of cedarwood, 3 mL jojoba oil, and 20 mL grapeseed oil (4). 86 patients diagnosed with alopecia areata participated in this study. They were randomly divided into 2 groups. One group massaged the treatment into their scalp daily, while the other group used only carrier oils topically daily. After 7 months with a 3-7 month follow-up, the thyme hair growth results showed that the treatment of mixed herbal oil was significantly more effective than the other treatment (4). Specifically, 19 (44%) of 43 patients in the active group actually showed hair growth improvement compared with 6 (15%) of 41 patients in the second group. Because the treatment consists of multiple ingredients, the exact role and mechanism of thyme oil remain unclear in explaining how it contributed to the final results. Therefore, further studies are needed to closely examine the effects of thyme oil in treating alopecia areata. The study's findings above provide a basis for the use of natural products as a safe treatment among the effects of other types of oils such as rosemary, thyme, lavender, cedarwood, grapeseed oil, and jojoba oil.

Thyme Hair Growth Promotion via Bioflavonoids

Researchers decided to look at the bioflavonoid compound, apigenin, and its potential effects on hair growth. Apigenin is a key compound in Thyme oil, according to several studies (1, 4, 5) According to

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