Cherish Your Roots and Embrace A More Fulfilling View of Life March 17, 2021Dr. Sanusi Umar, MD At Dr.UGro Gashee, we believe that the first step in the journey towards creating a quality hair product starts by defining your values as a brand. The principle that has...
Gashee Hair Products - Embodying Beauty and Science March 17, 2021Dr. Sanusi Umar, MD Although just about all hair, skin, and beauty products justify their position with some type of science as part of their product marketing, our approach goes even further. We thought...
Get Your Edge Back And Live Life to the Fullest February 12, 2021Sanusi Umar Traction alopecia is a gradual type of hair loss caused by hairstyling beauty practices which lead to the constant pull of hair at the roots. In many cases, it results...
Scientists Talk About Hydroxylysine For Healthy Skin and Hair Collagen February 05, 2021Dr. Sanusi Umar, MD These days, the word collagen seems to be on everyone’s minds when it comes to antiaging. Most people understand this protein to be integral for younger-looking skin. A lesser-known fact...
Surprising Benefits of Collagen for the Hair, Skin and Nails As Explained By Scientists February 05, 2021Dr. Sanusi Umar, MD What Exactly Is Collagen? Collagen is the most abundant structural protein found in the space outside the cells called the extracellular matrix which supports the structure of the cell and...
Rapunzel Hair Saga: Carla and Jodie go all out for Gashee September 20, 2020Dr. Sanusi Umar, MD Once upon a time, in the City of Angels, while sitting underneath the hair dryer at a local salon, Carla and Jodie became instant friends. Practically eight years later, the...
Can Cinnamon Oil Benefit Your Hair and Scalp? Here’s What Scientists Say September 20, 2020Dr. Sanusi Umar, MD Cinnamon oil has been used by humans all over the world since ancient times for many health areas. But can it also improve your hair? Many people think this is...
The Science on Vitamin D and Hydroxycholecaliferol For Your Hair September 20, 2020Dr. Sanusi Umar, MD What is Vitamin D? Is a fat soluble vitamin that we need for many areas of health like the normal development of bones and teeth and even the growth of...
The Research on Why Gotu Kola is a Breakthrough Herb for Hair Growth and Health September 20, 2020Dr. Sanusi Umar, MD Gotu Kola for Healthy Hair and Body Gotu Kola is a beautiful plant that grows as a bright green plant with round leaves. It is valued in both Asian medicine...
The Role of Methionine In Your Journey Towards Better Hair September 20, 2020Dr. Sanusi Umar, MD The Role of Methionine in Your Journey Towards Better Hair Your hair and hair follicles are made up of proteins formed by building blocks called amino acids. Therefore, when you...
Natural Product Standards September 14, 2020Sanusi Umar Natural Product Standards Natural Product Standards At Dr.UGro Gashee®, we've created our hair wellness line by using ingredients and formulation processes that align with the essence of what it means...
Why Selenium is a Vital Mineral For Our Hair and Health, According to Science August 10, 2020Dr. Sanusi Umar, MD What is Selenium? Is an essential trace element that our bodies need to conduct numerous processes, including normal and healthy hair growth. We get most of our selenium from dietary...